Join thousands of pro-lifers nationwide as we peacefully pray for an end to abortion in America. October is recognized nationally by the pro-life movement as "Respect Life Month," with the first Sunday in October celebrated as "Respect Life Sunday." In Michiana, we will stand and pray for life and against abortion in both Mishawaka and Elkhart.
Event Details
Sunday, October 6, 2024
2:00 PM-3:00 PM
What to Bring: Signs will be provided at both locations, but we encourage you to make and bring your own signs bearing your personalized pro-life message.
Graphic or political signs are not permitted per National Life Chain's sign policy. Bring a drink to stay hydrated!
Rain or shine, we look forward to joining together in witness to the dignity of human life, from fertilization to natural death.

Parking: West Eisenhower Drive street parking

Parking: Concord Intermediate School lot and street parking in the nearby residential areas