Heart of Our Work
Testimonies of grace, truth, and love from our team at Right to Life Michiana.

June 2024
An Instrument of Mercy
Years ago, Ava found herself pregnant and scared just up the road from the abortion clinic located near the old Memorial Hospital in South Bend. Two lives went in that day, but only one came out.
Ava struggled, but after finding healing and forgiveness in Christ, she set out to help other vulnerable women who have been sold short by abortion’s lies.
For 22 years, she volunteered for a local pregnancy center, mentoring abortion-minded women with the hope that they might be spared some of the pain she and her unborn child endured.
Encouraged by the launch of our public outreach through the HerMichiana mobile unit, Ava is ready to be on-call to walk with abortion-minded clients who come aboard.
When she heard about HerMichiana and our public education campaign, she was convicted by the organization’s compassion for those in crisis and innovative efforts to reach hearts and minds with the Truth.
She quickly offered the services of her local business to support Right to Life’s initiatives and will soon share her time and experience in a meaningful way volunteering at the Elkhart County 4-H Fair.
In spite of her past struggles, Ava now relies wholly on the grace of God. In Him, she has seen countless hearts softened and lives changed. Through it all, God is using her as an instrument of His mercy.